Woman Who Dies at Sea Raises More Cruise Line Safety Questions

Cruise line safety is in the news again, highlighting the deficiencies in an industry that carries millions of people yearly on the high seas on what are essentially floating cities. A recent incident has led to a lawsuit raising questions of how much the cruise lines are doing to avoid accidents. Lawsuit Involves Woman Who Fell Overboard A lawsuit has …

Florida’s Foreign Body Malpractice Statute Presumptions Upheld by Court

When medical malpractice makes news, it is usually for something pretty out of the ordinary. Even some of the most grievous examples of malpractice that result on the most severe injuries often do not make front page news, but the “stranger” events do. One area that often makes news when it comes to medical negligence is when an object is …

The Biometrics Expert

Like any legal field, personal injury law is becoming more and more dominated by experts. The law does not allow attorneys or witnesses to speak on issues on which they are not experts, and when it comes to questions of medicine, or mechanics, or how businesses operate, or science, someone with extensive experience in a particular field is needed. More …

How Would Proposed Changes in Gun Laws Affect Civil Liability for Gun Injuries?

The right to carry guns and bear arms, and the extent to which these rights should be restricted, is a subject of great debate. Beyond the arguments over what is and what is not constitutional, are concerns over the consequences of shootings when it comes to civil liability. Proposed changes to Florida’s gun laws could change the landscape of liability …

Birth Related Neurological Injuries May be Subject to State Agency Determination

Injuries caused by medical malpractice can be devastating. That can be said for many types of injuries, but the difference is that it is rare to have a “minor” injury as a result of a medical malpractice, whereas, many falls or car accidents do thankfully result in injuries that are less severe. Injuries to Newborns The extent of damages sustained …

How a Bad Faith Insurance Claim Can Help Injury Victims

We have written in the past about the practical difficulties that insurance can create in personal injury cases. In many situations, a case may be strong legally, and a victim entitled to significant damages, but because of limitations on the amount of insurance, the recovery available to a victim may be limited, even if a jury finds that a victim …

Are Changes to Florida’s No-Fault Insurance Laws Coming?

Florida’s no-fault insurance structure is slowly failing. The unique setup of these laws, once thought to benefit both victims and insurance companies, has been the subject of repeated reform efforts throughout the years, and once again, faces the prospect of more changes in the upcoming legislative session. Some are suggesting that maybe the entire setup should be thrown out. The …

Drones and Liability for Injuries

It seems to be a constant cycle: New technological developments go from specialized and unique to ubiquitous. As that happens, the laws meant to govern these advancements often lag far behind, desperately trying to catch up to the realities of the new discoveries, many of which present unique legal challenges that our laws have never dealt with before. We have …

Fighting for Justice

When you are in a car accident, the goal of most insurance companies is to resolve the matter for as little as possible. They prefer to settle with you out of court by offering you a cut-rate dollar amount that is fully discounted. Simon Telfeyan made a left turn at the intersection of State Road 7 and Funston Street just …