Products Liability

Products Liability Products liability is an area of the law that imposes a duty on manufacturers or sellers of products to refrain from putting dangerous or defective products into the stream of commerce.  The scope of products liability is huge, as it is applied to nearly every product in the marketplace.  Products such as drugs, vehicles, equipment, food, toys – …

Nursing Home Neglect

Nursing Home Neglect It’s a situation you thought you would never have to face.  Other people have to put loved ones into nursing homes, but not you…until now.  This may be one of the most difficult decisions of your life.  Where do you go? How do you know they will be properly cared for? What happens if you suspect your …

Negligent Security

Many victims of crimes are not aware that they may have a valid civil claim against the owner of the property where the crime occurred.  While this does not apply to every crime victim, it is worth considering. If someone has been the victim of a crime and been injured or killed during the commission of that crime, the property …

Medical Malpractice in Florida

Medical Malpractice in Florida We have all heard the term Medical Malpractice, but what is it really?  And how do you know if you have a claim for medical malpractice?  Medical malpractice statues in Florida are complex, because there are certain steps that must be taken before filing a lawsuit.  Insurance companies and other interested lobbies have introduced various pieces of …

Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing Home Abuse It is not something we like to think about, but the reality is some day you or a loved one may have to reside in a nursing home.  We’d like to think that it will be a place where there is social activity, good food, medical supervision and wonderful staff.  Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. Abuse …

Negligence Law

Negligence Law You hear the word thrown around a lot, especially in advertisements for law firms.  “If you have been injured as a result of someone’s negligence, call us….” The thing is, what exactly is negligence, and how do you know if you have been the victim of someone’s negligence?  This can be a confusing thing to sort out.  Without …

Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation Act

A Brief History In 1927, Congress adopted the Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation Act (LHWCA) to provide no-fault workers compensation to injured longshoremen in the navigable waters of the United States. This federal law was enacted to provide a consistent approach to compensating injured longshore and harbor workers. Over the years this act has been amended and expanded a few …