Florida Construction Accidents: What You Need to Know

The real estate and construction industries have been booming in Florida in recent years. While this is great news in many aspects, the booming industries have left the state a hot mess when it comes to workplace accidents. Many construction workers are catastrophically injured or even killed, leaving their families devastated. Between 2007 and 2011, there were an average of …

Childbirth Injuries and Medical Malpractice

Childbirth can be an exciting experience, especially for first-time parents. While babies are born every day in the United States, a lot can still go wrong. One wrong move could cause serious damage to the mother or baby. Mothers often become injured during labor and delivery. They may suffer tears in the perineal area, which is located between the vagina …

More Than $260 Million Awarded in “Take Care of Maya” Case

We trust doctors to make good decisions for us when it comes to injuries and illnesses. In most cases, doctors are knowledgeable and help us with our ailments. But they do not always know best. A Florida case proves this point. A Florida civil court recently awarded Maya Kowalski and her family more than $211 million in compensatory damages as …

Causes of Fatal Car Accidents

Life is scary. It is not always safe. There are a lot of things that could kill a person at any time. You may be thinking of a medical issue such as a heart attack or brain tumor, but what about a car accident? Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for people of certain ages. In the …

$20 Million Awarded in Man’s Medical Malpractice Death

$20 Million Awarded in Man’s Medical Malpractice Death

Doctors have to abide by an oath: Do no harm. However, hundreds of thousands of medical professionals injure or kill their patients every year due to their negligence.  Most are apologetic and learn their lesson, but not one Florida doctor. He gave a patient a powerful dose of painkiller that led to the patient’s death. During his testimony, the doctor …

Workers’ Compensation Laws Do Not Always Cover Workplace Shootings

Workers’ Compensation Laws Do Not Always Cover Workplace Shootings

Workplace violence has been on the rise in recent years. It may consist of threats, assault, shootings, and murder.  When a person is injured or killed by workplace violence, is it considered a workplace accident under workers’ compensation laws? Are benefits available? They are, but the incident has to be work-related. But that begs the question: Is not a shooting …

Many Households Have Defective Products, Even After Recalls

Many Households Have Defective Products, Even After Recalls

Do you have defective products in your home? Your first thought may be no way, but how do you know? Where do you hear about recalled products? Perhaps you see a news story online or on TV, but do you really know? It is not like products magically disappear from your home once they are recalled or deemed defective. This …

Family Awarded $11 Million for Wrongful Death Caused by Kratom

When the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not approve a drug or other substance for human consumption, it is likely for a good reason. Still, some people use non-approved substances because they like the effects. Sometimes these plants can help with mental or physical issues, helping a person to feel better. This is how a Florida woman felt about …

What You Should Do if You are a Victim of a Hospital Error

Nobody likes going to the hospital. It is full of sick and injured people. Waiting to be seen can take forever. If you are there because you are suffering from an urgent medical issue, you have many things to worry about, including an unexpected hospital error.  That is right. As if going to the hospital was not scary enough, the …